In our digital resource proposal for teaching, we would like to plan, create and implement an Hyperdoc in which students can access to it anywhere and anytime. Specifically, Hyperdoc is a useful tool for teachers, because they can create virtual lessons to their students so they can look at them at any time they want to. In addition, they are useful because they can be used in many forms. For example, to introduce a new topic that can be studied in house, but then explained in face-to-face classes. Also, students can reflect their own progress by looking and working individually or in groups in this type of document.

To explain in detail what Hyperdoc is, it is an interactive and digital resource that let teachers to create or implement their lessons in a digital way, making them more accessible and entertaining to students, because it can be create by using plenty of sources like videos, worksheets, games, among others. 

Hyperdocs have 7 steps or layers to students get into:

1. Engage: As its name says, this layer tries to catch students' attention by introducing the topic that is going to be taught in the digital lesson.
2. Explore: It provides students with expanded information about the topic, so they can get into it and take a look at different kind of sources.
3: Explain: By this part, teachers must clear out any potential doubts by providing good and accurate information about the topic. What is going to be talked? What it is about? 
4. Apply: Students can show what they understand from the information recollected and apply it to demonstrate if they get the idea or not.
5. Share: Teachers must provide a tool to students in order to communicate each other to receive any possible feedback.
6. Reflect: Here, students can express their thoughts about the topic seen in class or whatever that can engage them into a meaningful conversation between peers and teachers.
7. Extend. Providing students with extra information and activities can be useful to students to expand their curious and knowledge. 


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